Source code for ukpostcodevalidator.validator

import re

import six

post = ["SW1W 0NY", "PO16 7GZ", "GU16 7HF", "L1 8JQ"]

[docs]class Uk: @classmethod
[docs] def validate(cls, code): """ Check the validity of postal code """ if isinstance(code, six.binary_type): code = str(code, "utf-8") if six.PY3 else code.decode("utf-8") if not isinstance(code, six.string_types): raise ValueError("expected string or bytes-like object but got a '%s' " % code.__class__.__name__) valid = False code = code.lower() if cls.check_postal_code(code): outwardcode, inwardcode = code.split(" ") if cls.check_outward_code(outwardcode) and cls.check_inward_code(inwardcode): valid = True return valid
[docs] def check_postal_code(cls, postcode): """ Checks the basic structure of the code. checks the following patterns pass: - AA9A 9AA - A9A 9AA - A9 9AA - A99 9AA - AA9 9AA - AA99 9AA """ return True if re.match("[a-z]{1,2}[0-9][0-9a-z]?\s{1}[0-9][a-z]{2}", postcode) else False
[docs] def check_outward_code(cls, outwardcode): """ Check the validity of postal code - outward code section. code is a valid outward code if: - has two and four characters long - The letters QVX are not used in the first position. - The letters IJZ are not used in the second position. - The only letters to appear in the third position are ABCDEFGHJKPSTUW when the structure starts with A9A. - The only letters to appear in the fourth position are ABEHMNPRVWXY when the structure starts with AA9A. :return True|False """ # The letters QVX are not used in the first position if re.match("^[a-pr-uwyz]", outwardcode): # check the A9A structure # must fullfill 3rd position requirement if re.match("^[a-z][0-9][a-z]", outwardcode): return True if re.match("^[a-pr-uwyz][0-9][abcdefghjkpstuw]", outwardcode) else False # check the 2nd position for AA9 structure if re.match("^[a-z]{2}[0-9]", outwardcode): # check the AA9A structure 4th position if re.match("^[a-z]{2}[0-9][a-z]", outwardcode): # must fullfill 2nd position and 4th position requirements return True if re.match("^[a-pr-uwyz][a-hl-y][0-9][abehmnprvwxy]", outwardcode) else False # must fullfill 2nd position requirement if re.match("^[a-pr-uwyz][a-hl-y]", outwardcode): return True else: return False # takes care of A9 structure return True return False
[docs] def check_inward_code(cls, inwardcode): """ Check the validity of postal code - inward code section. valid if : - must start with a digit followed by two letters - the letters don't use CIKMOV. :return True|False """ return True if re.match("[0-9][abd-hjlnp-uw-z]{2}", inwardcode) else False